Экспедиция Гильдии: различия между версиями

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== What are Guild Expeditions? ==
== Что же такое Экспедиции Гильдии? ==
Guild Expeditions is a cross-platform cooperative feature where you and your guild mates forge your way through a number of locations to acquire personal rewards and guild power.
Экспедиции Гильдии - это кросс-платформенная коллективная функция, где вы и ваши соратники по гильдии прокладываете свой путь через ряд сражений, чтобы завоевать награды и влияние для гильдии.

Экспедиции начинаются автоматически каждый вторник и продолжаются в течение 6 дней (потом они начинаются снова после однодневной паузы, так же как ПвП турниры).  
Expeditions begin automatically every Tuesday and last for 6 days. Every player who is a member of a guild and has reached the Iron Age at the time when an Expedition begins, can contribute to the success of their guild by participating in the ongoing Expedition. You can access Guild Expeditions from the game's menu buttons.

Каждый игрок, который является членом гильдии и достиг Железного века на тот момент, когда начинается экспедиция, может внести свой вклад в успех своей гильдии во время текущей экспедиции (это означает, что если вы присоединитесь или создадите новую гильдию, вам надо ждать начала следующей экспедиции, а это происходит каждый вторник).
If you join or create a guild when the expeditions have already started, you will have to wait till next Tuesday for a new Expedition to begin.

== Карта Экспедиции ==
== The Expedition Map ==

Карта Экспедиции в основном покрыта туманом: он прояснится по мере продвижения по «пути открытий». Карта, которую вы можете видеть, в отличие от карты ГвГ, видна только вам - каждый член гильдии видит свой собственный экземпляр карты, которую он может исследовать. У вас есть время до конца текущей экспедиции, чтобы пройти её.
The map in the first 3 levels has as you can see has a jungle-theme setting, and is accompanied with similar music. Every player in the guild will have their own individual map to complete, but you all share the same goal bar at the top of the screen (or at the bottom, if you play via our mobile app).

Что является общим для всех членов гильдии, так это меню целей и прогресса экспедиции гильдии, которые вы можете найти прямо в верхней части экрана (или внизу, если вы играете с помощью нашего мобильного приложения).
The goal bar counts the '''Expedition Points''' your guild has collected, and whenever you reach a new goal your guild will win guild power. The power for your guild will be paid out each day, when the daily recalculation takes place.You can click on the bar to view more details.

Вы можете внести свой вклад в прогресс путем прохождения препятствий, которые встретятся на пути. Текущее препятствие обозначено желтой стрелкой. При нажатии на неё, вы попадете в бой с захватчиками, которые защищают это препятствие (мирный путь прохождения препятствий также будет реализован в ближайшем будущем). Эпоха войск и общая сложность противников зависит от вашего собственного развития в дереве наук. Некоторые препятствия будет сложнее пройти, чем другие (особенно те, которые расположены в препятствиях большего размера), а иногда они могут даже содержать две волны сражений.
Чтобы увидеть свой собственный вклад и вклад других членов гильдии, щёлкните по индикатору выполнения:

Expedition points come from the the main item you'll notice on the map - the various locations (called '''Encounters'''). These can be solved either by fighting or via a negotiation game. Whenever you solve an encounter you will also be able to collect a personal reward from the chest after it, and move on to the next encounter.

Независимо от результата каждой битвы, вы будете способствовать заполнению индикатора прогресса экспедиции гильдии (очевидно, что если вы проиграете, это будет не так уж много). Цель гильдии зависит от количества и эпох членов гильдии (помните: они фиксируются на момент старта Экспедиции и не изменятся, даже если вы примете или потеряете членов гильдии в течение недели) и общая для всех членов гильдии.
As you progress further, the fog from the map will also be lifted, revealing additional encounters and chests. Be aware that the 'larger' encounters will always be more challenging than the 'smaller' ones. If you've gotten lost on the map the golden arrow will point to your current spot!

== Попытки ==
== Solving Encounters ==
Количество последовательных попыток прохождения препятствий ограничено 8 и каждый раз, когда вы начинаете битву, одно очко попытки снимается. Вы можете увидеть сколько попыток у вас осталось на панели попыток:
The amount of consecutive encounter solving attempts is limited to 8 and each time you begin a battle or spend resources in a negotiation game, 1 attempt point is withdrawn. You can see the amount of attempts you still have on the attempts bar:


Когда вы потратите их, то вы можете либо ждать их восстановления (вы получаете по 1 в час) или купить их. В отличие от Стратегических Очков, попытки не могут быть куплены за монеты, но могут быть приобретены за медали (или бриллианты, если у вас нет ни одной медали). Первые попытки будут стоить очень дешево, а затем цена за каждую попытку будет расти. В конце экспедиции цена будет сброшена, так что вы можете начать каждую неделю со стартовой цены.
When you run out of them, you can either wait for them to regenerate (you get 1 per hour) or buy them with medals (or Diamonds). The medals price for each attempt will rise as you purchase more. At the end of the Expedition the cost will reset, so you will have a fresh start each week.
Влияние для вашей гильдии будет начислено каждый день, когда происходит ежесуточный перерасчет.
Regardless of the outcome of your attempt, you will contribute some expedition points to the guild progress bar (obviously if you lose, it won't be that much). The guild goals depend on the number and era of the guild members (these are set when the expeditions begin, they will not change even if you gain or lose guild members over the week) and are shared between all guild members.

=== Атака ===
=== Fighting ===
Как говорилось ранее, вы можете проходить провинции двумя способами - захватить или провести переговоры. Захват уже должен быть вам знаком, потому что он одинаков в игре (будь то Карта континента, ПвП-Турниры или Гильдийные войны).
As we mentioned, you can solve encounters in one of two ways - fighting or negotiation. Fighting should already be known to you, because it is the same as everywhere in the game (the Continent Map, PvP, and GvG).

Эпоха войск и, в целом, сложность провинций зависит от вашего прогресса в меню исследований, когда начинается экспедиция. Вы также столкнетесь с двумя волнами войск, или с усиленными по атаке/защите войсками зависящей от вашей эпохи.
The units' age and the overall difficulty of the encounters depend on your own advancement in the tech tree when the expedition begins. You may also face two-wave battles, as well as units with boosted attack/defense depending on your own era.

=== Переговоры ===
=== Negotiation ===
Когда вы впервые нажимаете кнопку “Переговоры”, вы увидите пять местных жителей. Каждый из них требует от вас определенного ресурса, но они вам не скажут какой именно ресурс! Вы сможете выбрать товар и предложить им:
When you hit the Negotiate button for the first time, you will see that you get approached by five locals. They will each want a specific resource from you, but they will not tell you which one! You will be able to select and offer resources to them:


Когда вы выберете ресурсы, вы сможете нажать “Переговоры” (в этом случае у вас отнимется одна попытка). Помните, что вы отдаете ресурсы местным жителям даже в случае неудачной комбинации. Местные жители покажут вам свой отзыв на ваше предложение, которое выглядит следующим образом:
Once you have selected the resources, you can hit the 'Negotiate' button (at this point 1 attempt will be withdrawn from your attempts bar). Keep in mind that you will also be giving away these resources to the locals from your personal stock. The locals will then provide you with feedback on your guess, which will look like this:


* '''Верно''' - Предложение принято. Этот ресурс, возможно, но не обязательно, хочет получить и другой житель.
* '''Correct''' - your offer was accepted! However, other locals may also want this resource (though not necessarily).
* '''Неверный персонаж''' - Этому персонажу не нужен этот ресурс. Но кому-то из оставшихся жителей ресурс понадобится.
* '''Wrong Person''' - your offer was rejected. But at least one other local is searching for this resource!
* '''Неверно''' - Предложенный ресурс никому не нужен. Поэтому он будет отмечен серым цветом, когда вы начнёте следующий этап переговоров.
* '''Incorrect''' - your offer was rejected, and no local needs this resource (it will also be grayed out in the resource selection window on your next turn).

Вы могли заметить что окно переговоров имеет ограниченное число попыток, потому что жители хотят, чтобы вы предоставили им нужные ресурсы за 3 попытки. Каждый раз выбирая пять ресурсов и нажимая “Переговоры” вы потратите 1 попытку:
You have likely noticed the negotiation window has 'Turns' - this is because the locals want you to give them the correct resources in 3 turns. Every time you select 5 resources and hit 'Negotiate', you will spend a turn:


Как только вы потратите 3 попытки, вы сможете продолжить только с помощью алмазов или сдавшись и вернувшись позже. Если вы решите сдастся и прийти позже, пакет ресурсов останется прежним, но требования ресурсов местных жителей измениться в случайном порядке.
Once you've spent all 3 turns, you can only buy a turn with diamonds or give up the attempt and come back at a later time. If you decide to give up and try again later, the set of resources you can choose from will remain the same, but who wants what among the locals will be randomly changed.
=== Fortifications ===
In level 5 of the Guild Expedition, you will be able to build fortifications to provide yourself with a bonus for that encounter only. It is possible to build fortification to aid with both defense and negotiations. Read more about the fortifications '''[[Guild_Expedition_level_5|here]]'''
== Expedition Difficulties ==
The expedition map can be completed not once, but five times per week! To conquer the map again, you have to unlock higher difficulties (level II, III,IV and V ). Click the star icon in the top left corner to open the difficulties overview:
As you can see, the default difficulty is I and it's available for free. To unlock the higher ones, a guild leader or founder has to pay goods from the guild treasury. But everyone can donate the goods to the guild treasury, only spending them is limited to leaders/founders.
The '''[[Costs of Unlocking Difficulties]]''' depend on the age and number of your guild members when the expedition beings. Each player in your guild will generate a cost based on their age. Your guild will need to pay the cumulative cost for all guild members in order to unlock the difficulty. Unlocking a difficulty makes it available to all guild members who are taking part in the current Expedition.
{| style="width: 85%; margin: auto;"
! style="text-align: center; "|'''Guild Expedition difficulty Levels '''
! style="text-align: center; "|'''Story'''
|!style="text-align: center; background-color:#003366;"|
The first 3 levels in the Guild Expedition are the original levels and consist of 3 different maps, each with 16 encounters for you to conquer. They are considered to be the foundation of the guld Expedition and that is why the 3x 16 encounters also count as 100% completion of the Guild Expedition tournaments.
|!style="text-align: center; background-color:#003366;"|
[[Guild_Expedition_level_4|Guild Expedition level 4]] introduced a whole new Volcano map and some improvements to make the Guild Expeditions even more rewarding and challenging. It contains six upgrade kits for buildings from the Guild Expedition and a new shrink kit.
|!style="text-align: center; background-color:#003366;"|
[[Guild_Expedition_level_5|Guild Expedition level 5]] follows a similar format as previous levels, but with a twist! Similarly to previous levels, there will be 16 encounters for you to conquer, but on this level your army will be using the City defense boost instead of the attacking army boost. You can of course negotiate as in previous Expedition levels, however if you choose the battle option - beware! This will use your city's defensive army bonuses instead of your attacking army bonuses.
== Guild Championships ==
'''[[The Guild Championships]]''' take Expeditions to another level, and allow for cross world competition!
[[File:Championships topbar.png|center]]
Every week your guild will be grouped together with up to 7 similarly-sized random guilds from different worlds of your language version*. During the 6-days long Expedition, you will be able to compete against them. Make sure that as many of your guild mates as possible complete the Expedition to get to the very top of the ladder!
== Rewards ==
== Temple of Relics ==
The [[Temple of Relics]] is a Great Building designed specifically for fans of Guild Expeditions. You can get blueprints for it either by solving encounters in expeditions, or by contributing to the same Great Building in cities of other players.  

== Уровень сложности ==
Карта может быть пройдена не один, а три раза в неделю! Чтобы покорять карту снова, вы должны разблокировать более высокие уровни сложности (уровень II, III и IV). Нажмите на звезду, чтобы открыть обзор уровней сложности:

It has only one passive bonus - '''the Relic Hunt ability'''.

Как вы можете видеть, сложность по умолчанию I уровня и она доступна бесплатно. Для того, чтобы разблокировать более высокие уровни сложности, один из лидеров гильдии должен заплатить товары из казны гильдии (так что каждый может пожертвовать товары, но расходование их ограничено).

[[Затраты на разблокирование уровней сложности в Экспедициях Гильдий|Затраты на разблокирование]] сложности II зависят от эпохи и количества членов вашей гильдии.
===Relics ===

== Храм Реликвий ==
[[Храм Реликвий]] основан на древней мудрости, которую вы узнали во время вашей Экспедиции Гильдий. Он содержит знание о редких реликвиях, которые вы можете обнаружить, исследуя карту экспедиций.
Храм Реликвий содержит пассивный бонус под названием '''Охота за Реликвиями'''.


Храм Реликвий генерирует шанс на выпадение скрытой награды - реликвии на карте Экспедиции Гильдий после прохождения очередного препятствия.
Relic Hunt gives you a chance to find special rewards whenever you solve an encounter in an expedition. You will locate an icon on the right hand side on the expedition map - when it's highlighted it means there is at least 1 relic on the map that you can collect. If a relic is under a fogged area, you will need to progress on the map for the fog to disappear so that you can collect the relic. Make sure you collect any relics before proceeding to the next difficulty as any uncollected relics will disappear!
Когда реликвия выпала, вы увидите значок в панели уведомлений сбоку на экране. Затем вы должны посмотреть на карту экспедиции и отыскать реликвию! Когда вы найдете ее на карте, нажмите на нее и получите ее содержимое! В зависимости от редкости реликвии может быть что угодно, от обычных, таких как монеты и ресурсы (но также и в том числе: Попытки, Очки Экспедиций и Влияние для гильдии) до драгоценных бонусных зданий с разных событий!
Реликвии могут также появляться в тех областях, которые все еще находятся под "туманом войны", это означает, что вам может понадобиться дальше продвинуться по карте, чтобы получить их.

Имейте в виду, что реликвии, которые не были собраны, исчезнут при переключении на другой уровень сложности или когда текущая экспедиция заканчивается.

The rewards come in 3 groups, each of them a different type of relic - common, uncommon, and rare. Of course the chances are higher to get a common relic, and lower to get a rare relic. But this changes as your Temple of Relics levels up - the chances to win a rare relic will increase with each level, while the ones for a common relic will decrease.

Есть три вида реликвий: обычные, необычные и редкие.
Here is an overview of what rewards these relics can give you, and the respective probability to win those specific rewards.
В соответствии с их названиями, шанс выпадения обычных больше, чем на выпадение необычных. Шанс на выпадение редкой реликвии небольшой.

! style="text-align: center; width: 33%;" | [[File:ge_relic_common.png|50px|link=]]Обычные(Серебряные)
! style="text-align: center; width: 33%;" | [[File:ge_relic_common.png|50px|link=]] Common (Silver)
! style="text-align: center; width: 33%;" | [[File:ge_relic_uncommon.png|50px|link=]]Необычные(Золотые)
! style="text-align: center; width: 33%;" | [[File:ge_relic_uncommon.png|50px|link=]] Uncommon (Gold)
! style="text-align: center; width: 33%;" | [[File:ge_relic_rare.png|50px|link=]]Редкие(Нефритовые)
! style="text-align: center; width: 33%;" | [[File:ge_relic_rare.png|50px|link=]] Rare (Jade)
| style="text-align: center;" | 20 Стратегических Очков
| style="text-align: center;" | 20 Forge Points
| style="text-align: center;" | 100 Стратегических Очков
| style="text-align: center;" | 100 Forge Points
| style="text-align: center;" | [[Ферма на террасе]]
| style="text-align: center;" | [[Terrace Farm]]
| style="text-align: center;" | 25 Товаров (1 тип)
| style="text-align: center;" | 25 Goods (1 type)
| style="text-align: center;" | 200 Товаров (1 тип)
| style="text-align: center;" | 200 Goods (1 type)
| style="text-align: center;" | [[Священные солнечные часы]]
| style="text-align: center;" | [[Sacred Sky Watch]]
| style="text-align: center;" | 5 Легких юнита
| style="text-align: center;" | 5 Light Units
| style="text-align: center;" | 10 Разбойников
| style="text-align: center;" | 10 Rogues
| style="text-align: center;" | [[Фонтан молодости]]
| style="text-align: center;" | [[Fountain of Youth]]
| style="text-align: center;" | 5 Стрелковых юнита
| style="text-align: center;" | 5 Ranged Units
| style="text-align: center;" | [[Ритуальный огонь]]
| style="text-align: center;" | [[Ritual Flame]]
| style="text-align: center;" | [[Набор повышения эпохи]]
| style="text-align: center;" | One Up Kit
| style="text-align: center;" | 5 Быстрых юнита
| style="text-align: center;" | 5 Fast Units
| style="text-align: center;" | [[Площадь племени]]
| style="text-align: center;" | [[Tribal Square]]
| style="text-align: center;" | [[Набор обновления]]
| style="text-align: center;" | Renovation Kit
| style="text-align: center;" | 5 Тяжелых юнитов
| style="text-align: center;" | 5 Heavy Units
| style="text-align: center;" | Маленький пакет Медалей
| style="text-align: center;" | Small Medals Package
| style="text-align: center;" | [[Складирование зданий]]
| style="text-align: center;" | Store Building
| style="text-align: center;" | 5 Артиллерийских юнита
| style="text-align: center;" | 5 Artillery Units
| style="text-align: center;" | Двойной чертеж
| style="text-align: center;" | Double Blueprint
| style="text-align: center;" | [[Лик древнего]]
| style="text-align: center;" | [[Face of the Ancient]]
| style="text-align: center;" | [[Врата бога Солнца]]
| style="text-align: center;" | [[Gate of the Sun God]]

== Наборы улучшения построек ==
== Building Upgrade Kits ==

Зная, что Экспедиция Гильдии является одной из самых популярных частей игры, наши разработчики решили ее улучшить, сделав ее более требовательной к затрачиваемым усилиям и при этом более интересной в плане наград. Теперь в этом режиме появились шесть новых наборов улучшения и один набор уменьшения. Их можно получить на 4 уровне Экспедиции.
Knowing that the popular Guild Expedition is amongst the favorite features of many, our development team decided to do some improvements to make the Guild Expeditions even more rewarding and challenging. With that, bringing six new upgrade kits for buildings from Guild Expeditions and a new shrink kit. '''These upgrade kits can be won in level 4 of the expedition.'''
Вот что добавилось:
Here are the following additions:

! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" | До улучшения
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" | Building Before
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" | {{sized-external-image|25px|https://foeru.innogamescdn.com/assets/shared/icons/reward_icons/reward_icon_renovation_kit.png}}
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" | [[File:Renokit.png|25px]]
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" | После
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" | Building After
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" | [[File:Renokit.png|25px]]
| [[Лик древнего]] https://foeru.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/D_SS_MultiAge_Expedition16a.png
! style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" | Building After
| [[File:reward_icon_upgrade_kit_face_of_the_ancient.png|25px|center|link=]]
| [[Лик древнего — ур. 2]] https://foeru.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/D_SS_MultiAge_Expedition16c.png
| [[File:FaceAncient.png|100px|center|link=]]<br>[[Face of the Ancient]] 
| [[File:reward_icon_upgrade_kit_face_of_the_ancient.png|25px|center|link=]]
| [[Врата бога Солнца]] https://foeru.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/D_SS_MultiAge_Expedition16b.png
| [[File:FaceAncient_2.png|100px|center|link=]] [[Face of the Ancient - Lv. 2]]  
| [[File:reward_icon_upgrade_kit_gate_of_the_sun_god.png|25px|center|link=]]
| [[Врата бога Солнца — ур. 2]] https://foeru.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/D_SS_MultiAge_Expedition16d.png
| [[Gate of the Sun God]] [[File:GateOfTheSunGodLvl1.png|100px|center|link=]]
| [[File:GateOfTheSunGodUpKit.png|25px|center|link=]]
| [[Ритуальный огонь]] https://foeru.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/T_SS_AllAge_Expedition16.png
| [[Gate of the Sun God - Lv. 2]][[File:GateOfTheSunGodLvl2.png|100px|center|link=]]
| [[File:reward_icon_upgrade_kit_ritual_flame.png|25px|center|link=]]
| [[Ритуальный огонь — ур. 2]] https://foeru.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/T_SS_AllAge_Expedition16b.png
| [[Ritual Flame]][[File:RitualFlame1.png|100px|center|link=]]
| [[File:reward_icon_upgrade_kit_ritual_flame.png|25px|center|link=]]
| [[Площадь племени]] [[File:R_SS_MultiAge_Expedition16a.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Ritual Flame - Lv. 2]] [[File:RitualFlame2.png|100px|center|link=]]
| [[File:reward_icon_upgrade_kit_tribal_square.png|25px|center|link=]]
| [[File:reward_icon_upgrade_kit_ritual_flame.png|25px|center|link=]]
| [[Площадь племени — ур. 2]] [[File:R_SS_MultiAge_Expedition16c.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Greater Ritual Flame]]<br> (GE Difficulty 5)  [[File:GreatRitualFlame.png|100px|center|link=]]
| [[Ферма на террасе]] [[File:P_SS_MultiAge_Expedition16.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Tribal Square]] [[File:R_SS_MultiAge_Expedition16a.png|100px|link=]]
| [[File:reward_icon_upgrade_kit_terrace_farm.png|25px|center|link=]]
| [[File:reward_icon_upgrade_kit_tribal_square.png|25px|center|link=]]
| [[Ферма на террасе — ур. 2]] [[File:P_SS_MultiAge_Expedition16b.png|250px|link=]]
| [[Tribal Square - Lv. 2]] [[File:R_SS_MultiAge_Expedition16c.png|100px|link=]]
| [[Священные солнечные часы]] https://foeru.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_Expedition16b.png
| [[Terrace Farm]] [[File:P_SS_MultiAge_Expedition16.png|100px|link=]]
| [[File:reward_icon_upgrade_kit_sacred_sky.png|25px|center|link=]]
| [[File:reward_icon_upgrade_kit_terrace_farm.png|25px|center|link=]]
| [[Священные солнечные часы — ур. 2]] https://foeru.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/R_SS_MultiAge_Expedition16d.png
| [[Terrace Farm - Lv. 2]] [[File:P_SS_MultiAge_Expedition16b.png|100px|link=]]
| [[Фонтан молодости]] https://foeru.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/L_SS_AllAge_Expedition16.png
| [[Sacred Sky Watch]] [[File:SacredSky1.png|100px|center|link=]]
| [[File:reward_icon_shrink_kit_fountain_of_youth.png|25px|center|link=]]
| [[File:reward_icon_upgrade_kit_sacred_sky.png|25px|center|link=]]
| [[Маленький Фонтан молодости]] https://foeru.innogamescdn.com/assets/city/buildings/L_SS_AllAge_Expedition16Small.png
| [[Sacred Sky Watch - Lv. 2]][[File:SacredSky2.png|100px|center|link=]]
| [[File:reward_icon_upgrade_kit_sacred_sky.png|25px|center|link=]]
| [[Divine Sky Watch]]<br> (GE Difficulty 5) [[File:DivineSkyW.png|100px|center|link=]]
| [[Fountain of Youth]][[File:Fountain1.png|100px|center|link=]]
| [[File:reward_icon_shrink_kit_fountain_of_youth.png|25px|center|link=]]
| [[Little Fountain of Youth]][[File:Fountain2.png|100px|center|link=]]

Версия от 23:02, 3 апреля 2023

What are Guild Expeditions?

Guild Expeditions is a cross-platform cooperative feature where you and your guild mates forge your way through a number of locations to acquire personal rewards and guild power.

Expeditions begin automatically every Tuesday and last for 6 days. Every player who is a member of a guild and has reached the Iron Age at the time when an Expedition begins, can contribute to the success of their guild by participating in the ongoing Expedition. You can access Guild Expeditions from the game's menu buttons.

If you join or create a guild when the expeditions have already started, you will have to wait till next Tuesday for a new Expedition to begin.

The Expedition Map


The map in the first 3 levels has as you can see has a jungle-theme setting, and is accompanied with similar music. Every player in the guild will have their own individual map to complete, but you all share the same goal bar at the top of the screen (or at the bottom, if you play via our mobile app).

The goal bar counts the Expedition Points your guild has collected, and whenever you reach a new goal your guild will win guild power. The power for your guild will be paid out each day, when the daily recalculation takes place.You can click on the bar to view more details.


Expedition points come from the the main item you'll notice on the map - the various locations (called Encounters). These can be solved either by fighting or via a negotiation game. Whenever you solve an encounter you will also be able to collect a personal reward from the chest after it, and move on to the next encounter.

As you progress further, the fog from the map will also be lifted, revealing additional encounters and chests. Be aware that the 'larger' encounters will always be more challenging than the 'smaller' ones. If you've gotten lost on the map the golden arrow will point to your current spot!

Solving Encounters

The amount of consecutive encounter solving attempts is limited to 8 and each time you begin a battle or spend resources in a negotiation game, 1 attempt point is withdrawn. You can see the amount of attempts you still have on the attempts bar:


When you run out of them, you can either wait for them to regenerate (you get 1 per hour) or buy them with medals (or Diamonds). The medals price for each attempt will rise as you purchase more. At the end of the Expedition the cost will reset, so you will have a fresh start each week.

Regardless of the outcome of your attempt, you will contribute some expedition points to the guild progress bar (obviously if you lose, it won't be that much). The guild goals depend on the number and era of the guild members (these are set when the expeditions begin, they will not change even if you gain or lose guild members over the week) and are shared between all guild members.


As we mentioned, you can solve encounters in one of two ways - fighting or negotiation. Fighting should already be known to you, because it is the same as everywhere in the game (the Continent Map, PvP, and GvG).

The units' age and the overall difficulty of the encounters depend on your own advancement in the tech tree when the expedition begins. You may also face two-wave battles, as well as units with boosted attack/defense depending on your own era.


When you hit the Negotiate button for the first time, you will see that you get approached by five locals. They will each want a specific resource from you, but they will not tell you which one! You will be able to select and offer resources to them:


Once you have selected the resources, you can hit the 'Negotiate' button (at this point 1 attempt will be withdrawn from your attempts bar). Keep in mind that you will also be giving away these resources to the locals from your personal stock. The locals will then provide you with feedback on your guess, which will look like this:

  • Correct - your offer was accepted! However, other locals may also want this resource (though not necessarily).
  • Wrong Person - your offer was rejected. But at least one other local is searching for this resource!
  • Incorrect - your offer was rejected, and no local needs this resource (it will also be grayed out in the resource selection window on your next turn).

You have likely noticed the negotiation window has 'Turns' - this is because the locals want you to give them the correct resources in 3 turns. Every time you select 5 resources and hit 'Negotiate', you will spend a turn:


Once you've spent all 3 turns, you can only buy a turn with diamonds or give up the attempt and come back at a later time. If you decide to give up and try again later, the set of resources you can choose from will remain the same, but who wants what among the locals will be randomly changed.


In level 5 of the Guild Expedition, you will be able to build fortifications to provide yourself with a bonus for that encounter only. It is possible to build fortification to aid with both defense and negotiations. Read more about the fortifications here

Expedition Difficulties

The expedition map can be completed not once, but five times per week! To conquer the map again, you have to unlock higher difficulties (level II, III,IV and V ). Click the star icon in the top left corner to open the difficulties overview:

Ge5 Unlock.png

As you can see, the default difficulty is I and it's available for free. To unlock the higher ones, a guild leader or founder has to pay goods from the guild treasury. But everyone can donate the goods to the guild treasury, only spending them is limited to leaders/founders.

The Costs of Unlocking Difficulties depend on the age and number of your guild members when the expedition beings. Each player in your guild will generate a cost based on their age. Your guild will need to pay the cumulative cost for all guild members in order to unlock the difficulty. Unlocking a difficulty makes it available to all guild members who are taking part in the current Expedition.

Guild Expedition difficulty Levels Story
En ge logo.png

The first 3 levels in the Guild Expedition are the original levels and consist of 3 different maps, each with 16 encounters for you to conquer. They are considered to be the foundation of the guld Expedition and that is why the 3x 16 encounters also count as 100% completion of the Guild Expedition tournaments.


Guild Expedition level 4 introduced a whole new Volcano map and some improvements to make the Guild Expeditions even more rewarding and challenging. It contains six upgrade kits for buildings from the Guild Expedition and a new shrink kit.

GEX5 logo.png

Guild Expedition level 5 follows a similar format as previous levels, but with a twist! Similarly to previous levels, there will be 16 encounters for you to conquer, but on this level your army will be using the City defense boost instead of the attacking army boost. You can of course negotiate as in previous Expedition levels, however if you choose the battle option - beware! This will use your city's defensive army bonuses instead of your attacking army bonuses.

Guild Championships

The Guild Championships take Expeditions to another level, and allow for cross world competition!

Championships topbar.png

Every week your guild will be grouped together with up to 7 similarly-sized random guilds from different worlds of your language version*. During the 6-days long Expedition, you will be able to compete against them. Make sure that as many of your guild mates as possible complete the Expedition to get to the very top of the ladder!


Temple of Relics

The Temple of Relics is a Great Building designed specifically for fans of Guild Expeditions. You can get blueprints for it either by solving encounters in expeditions, or by contributing to the same Great Building in cities of other players.


It has only one passive bonus - the Relic Hunt ability.



Ge hud relic inactive.png

Relic Hunt gives you a chance to find special rewards whenever you solve an encounter in an expedition. You will locate an icon on the right hand side on the expedition map - when it's highlighted it means there is at least 1 relic on the map that you can collect. If a relic is under a fogged area, you will need to progress on the map for the fog to disappear so that you can collect the relic. Make sure you collect any relics before proceeding to the next difficulty as any uncollected relics will disappear!

Ge hud relic.png

The rewards come in 3 groups, each of them a different type of relic - common, uncommon, and rare. Of course the chances are higher to get a common relic, and lower to get a rare relic. But this changes as your Temple of Relics levels up - the chances to win a rare relic will increase with each level, while the ones for a common relic will decrease.

Here is an overview of what rewards these relics can give you, and the respective probability to win those specific rewards.

Ge relic common.png Common (Silver) Ge relic uncommon.png Uncommon (Gold) Ge relic rare.png Rare (Jade)
20 Forge Points 100 Forge Points Terrace Farm
25 Goods (1 type) 200 Goods (1 type) Sacred Sky Watch
5 Light Units 10 Rogues Fountain of Youth
5 Ranged Units Ritual Flame One Up Kit
5 Fast Units Tribal Square Renovation Kit
5 Heavy Units Small Medals Package Store Building
5 Artillery Units
Double Blueprint
Face of the Ancient
Gate of the Sun God

Building Upgrade Kits

Knowing that the popular Guild Expedition is amongst the favorite features of many, our development team decided to do some improvements to make the Guild Expeditions even more rewarding and challenging. With that, bringing six new upgrade kits for buildings from Guild Expeditions and a new shrink kit. These upgrade kits can be won in level 4 of the expedition. Here are the following additions:

Building Before Файл:Renokit.png Building After Файл:Renokit.png Building After

Face of the Ancient
Reward icon upgrade kit face of the ancient.png
Face of the Ancient - Lv. 2
Gate of the Sun God Gate of the Sun God - Lv. 2
Ritual Flame
Reward icon upgrade kit ritual flame.png
Ritual Flame - Lv. 2
Reward icon upgrade kit ritual flame.png
Greater Ritual Flame
(GE Difficulty 5)
Tribal Square R SS MultiAge Expedition16a.png
Reward icon upgrade kit tribal square.png
Tribal Square - Lv. 2 R SS MultiAge Expedition16c.png
Terrace Farm P SS MultiAge Expedition16.png
Reward icon upgrade kit terrace farm.png
Terrace Farm - Lv. 2 P SS MultiAge Expedition16b.png
Sacred Sky Watch
Reward icon upgrade kit sacred sky.png
Sacred Sky Watch - Lv. 2
Reward icon upgrade kit sacred sky.png
Divine Sky Watch
(GE Difficulty 5)
Fountain of Youth
Reward icon shrink kit fountain of youth.png
Little Fountain of Youth