Осеннее событие 2018

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Foe autumn event 2018 artwork v8.jpg

This year’s Fall Event is all about the art of baking: apple, cinnamon, chocolate, pumpkin, and caramel are all available as ingredients to bake delicious cakes and win awesome prizes!

Heat up that oven because things are about to get exciting in the kitchen! Fancy a moist brownie? Or perhaps a savory pumpkin pie? It’s up to you! Improve your baking skills and take part in the most important baking contest of the world to become the Star Baker!

Ms. Appleton

How can I participate in the Fall Event?

Fall event teaser button.png

In order to participate in the Fall Event you need to bake lot's of tempting sweets to conquer the hearts of the jury!

Open the event overview in order to select one sweet dish to bake. Depending on which cake you choose to bake, you will need different ingredients and you will also get different prizes out of each cake.

Fall event overview.png

Fall apple.png

The ingredients

On top of the event window, you will see five ingredients and the amounts of each you have in stock: Fall event overview1.png

Those are:

Fall currency apple.png Apples Fall currency caramel.png Caramel Fall currency chocolate.png Chocolate Fall currency cinnamon.png Cinnamon Fall currency pumpkin.png Pumpkins

For each dish you need between 1 and 3 different ingredients. The more ingredients a cake needs, the better the rewards and also the more stars you will get.

Grand prize1.png

Those stars will be added to your Grand Prize progress bar, where you can also see, which cakes you already baked.

Grand prize.png

You can get ingredients from:

  • completing Fall Event quests
  • from a daily collection quest
  • as random rewards from Daily Challenges and Incidents
  • for Diamonds in the recources shop

Fall Event Questline

Complete quests in order to get more and get some additional prizes!
In the Fall Event you have a lot of quests to finish, in total 75 quests, which are devided in two questlines and a daily questline.

Fall event quest overview.png

You will be able to complete 29 quests immediately from the first questline. The second questline will appear after you finished off some quests from the first questline. Those 25 quest can also be done immediately, once unlocked. After finishing the first questlines you will receive one quest per day until the last day of the event. The daily quests will stack, so you will probably have a few of them waiting for you, when you're done with the initial quests.
Ms. Appleton will also give you some free ingredients if you come back every day.

Fall apple.png

Receiving Stars and League System

Each time you baked something, you will receive League fall star.png Stars, depending on the cake you baked, between 1 and 3 League fall star.png Stars. If you filled the table with enough cakes and other sweets, you will get Grand Prize.
Each Grand Prize you receive for you baking skills, will add up in your experience and will be added to the Baking League. Depending on how many Grand Prizes you achived, you will also advance in the Leage.
In order to view your progress in the League, open the League overview in the event window:

Fall event overview6.png

Your player portrait will be displayed at the rank you currently achieved and the amount of League fall star.png Stars you already collected, which is equivalent with the amound of Grand Prizes you won.

Fall event league table.png

Except for the Hobby Rank, every other rank has a certain limit of players, who can be in that rank. If more players, than the maximum amount achieved the displayed number of League fall star.png Stars, then the amount will go up. If you're close to the border of different ranks, it could also happen, that you fall down from a higher rank to a lower one.

Example: The range of the Professional Rank is between 63 and 96 League fall star.png Stars and you collected exactly 63 League fall star.png Stars. then you're a Professional.
Now it happens, that more than 5% of the whole player base of the same world also reached at least 63 League fall star.png Stars. Therefore the needed amount of League fall star.png Stars goes up to 64 and you fall down to the rank of an Apprentice.
To avoid this from happening, check your rank regularly and collect more League fall star.png Stars in order to stay in your position.

League Rewards

Every rank in the League System offers you different rewards in the Fall Event. The rewards will only be given, at the end of the Fall Event.

Fall apple.png

Hobby Reward
Small fp.png 10 Forge Points
Trainee Reward
Small fp.png 20 Forge Points
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit
Apprentice Reward
Small fp.png 50 Forge Points
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit

Reward icon shrink kit wishing well.png 1 Wishing Well Shrink Kit

Professional Reward
Small fp.png 100 Forge Points
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit

Reward icon shrink kit wishing well.png 1 Wishing Well Shrink Kit
Upgrade kit mill of fall.png 1 Mill of Fall Upgrade Kit

Star Baker Reward
Small fp.png 200 Forge Points
Reward icon one up kit 25px.png 1 One Up Kit
Reward icon shrink kit wishing well.png 1 Wishing Well Shrink Kit
Upgrade kit mill of fall.png 1 Mill of Fall Upgrade Kit
Shrine of Knowledge.png 1 Shrine of Knowledge
Portrait 295.png 1 Mr. Miller Avatar

Fall Avatars

These Avatars are available during the Fall. You can get them for solving quests or for the Star Baker Reward in the League System.

Anabelle Anabelle Shawn Shawn
Hunter Viktoria Hunter Viktoria Mr. Miller Mr. Miller


During the Fall Event, you can get Fragments from rare rewards.

Что такое Фрагменты?

Icon fragment.png

Фрагменты - это кусочки редких наград таких, как Колодец желаний. Вам нужно собрать разное количество фрагментов, чтобы получить определенную награду.

Если вы собрали их достаточно, то вы сможете получить настоящую награду.

Как работают Фрагменты?

Все Фрагменты наград отмечаются как кусочки синего паззла. Как только вы соберете Фрагмент, он отобразится в вашем инвентаре, где вы также сможете увидеть сколько Фрагментов вам нужно еще собрать для получения награды:

Wishing will fragment.png

Если собрано достаточно Фрагментов определенной награды, вы можете соединить их в своем инвентаре:

Wishing will fragment1.png

Собранная награда будет расположена в вашем инвентаре.

Список Фрагментов

Icon fragment wishing well.png
Фрагмент Колодца Желаний
Wishing Well.png
Нужно 15 Фрагментов, чтобы собрать Колодец желаний
Fragment shrink well.png
Фрагмент Набора уменьшения
Колодца желаний
Reward icon shrink kit wishing well.png
Нужно 15 Фрагментов, чтобы собрать Набор уменьшения Колодца желаний
Icon fragment shrine knowledge.png
Фрагмент Святилища знаний
Shrine of Knowledge.png
Нужно 15 Фрагментов, чтобы собрать Святилище знаний

Fall Buildings

There're lot of different Fall themed buildings available during the Fall Event!

A SS MultiAge FallBonus18.png

Pond of Fall
R SS MultiAge FallBonus18.png

Forest of Fall
M SS AllAge EasterBonus1Small.png

Rogue Den

Fall apple.png

Cider Mill

During the Fall Event you have the possibility to get a Cider Mill and also Upgrade kit cider mill.png Cider Mill Upgrade Kits, to upgrade your Cider Mill to a better one.

P SS MultiAge FallBonus16.png

Cider Mill
P SS MultiAge FallBonus17a 1.png

Blooming Cider Mill
P SS MultiAge FallBonus17b 1.png

Fruitful Cider Mill
P SS MultiAge FallBonus17c.png

Bountiful Cider Mill
P SS MultiAge FallBonus17d.png

Prosperous Cider Mill

Fall apple.png

Mill of Fall

Mill of Fall is a special upgradeable building you can get during the Fall Event. Once you have it on level 1 (you will receive it in one of the first quests), you have a chance to upgrade it to Level 7! In order to do so, you have to advance through the questline and get some Upgrade kit mill of fall.png upgrade kits. You can also win the Upgrade kit mill of fall.png upgrade kits for baking sweets in the Fall Event.

R SS MultiAge FallBonus18a.png

Mill of Fall - Lv. 1
Mill of Fall - Lv. 2

Mill of Fall - Lv. 2
Mill of Fall - Lv. 3

Mill of Fall - Lv. 3
Mill of Fall - Lv. 4

Mill of Fall - Lv. 4
Mill of Fall - Lv. 5

Mill of Fall - Lv. 5
Mill of Fall - Lv. 6

Mill of Fall - Lv. 6
Fall apple.png

Upgrading the Mill of Fall to Lv. 7

If you upgrade Mill of Fall from Lv. 6 to Lv. 7 you will need to choose between 3 different options. Make a wise choice, because you can't revert your choice and you can only upgrade your Mill of Fall to one of these.

Fall apple.png

R SS MultiAge FallBonus18f.png
Mill of Fall - Lv. 6
The Mill of Fall Upgrade Upgrade kit mill of fall.png needed to upgrade to 1 of 3 other Mill of Fall
Summer18 upgradeship arrowsx.png
Aqueous Mill of Fall
Aqueous Mill of Fall
Sunflower Mill of Fall
Sunflower Mill of Fall
Colorful Mill of Fall
Colorful Mill of Fall
Icon population.png
Icon population.png
Icon population.png
Icon coins.png
Icon coins.png
Icon coins.png
If motivated
Icon medal.png
Icon medal.png
Icon medal.png
Small goods.png
Small goods.png
Small goods.png
Small fp.png
Small fp.png
Small fp.png
Icon supplies.png
Icon supplies.png
Icon supplies.png

Fall apple.png