Кубок FoE по футболу 2020

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2020 Soccer Event Loading Screen.png
Встречайте Футбольный кубок-2020!
В этом году мы проделаем путь чемпионов, команд настоящих мужчин!

В этом году Футбольный Кубок преобразился! Теперь вы можете ежедневно играть сразу
на двух полях: тренировочном и турнирном. Система Лиг осталась прежней, но в ней будут учитываться только ваши победы в Турнире. Для обучения футболистов понадобятся энергетические напитки, которые можно получить выполняя задания. Собрав карточки игроков, появится шанс расширить и улучшить состав команды, а также получить билеты для участия в турнире. Вам может показаться это сложным, но на самом деле всё очень просто! Давайте посмотрим как это работает.

Как я могу принять участие в футбольном соревновании?

Встречайте возвращение Футбольного Кубка! В этом году мы проделаем путь чемпионов, настоящих мужских команд! Выполняйте задания, чтобы выиграть энергетические напитки
и бонусную награду - билеты на турниры и карточки игроков! Каждый день вы будете получать энергетические напитки для входа в игру. Бесплатные энергетические напитки ищите также в событиях вашего города!

Как только начнется футбольное событие, в левом верхнем углу экрана вы увидите его логотип. При этом окно событий, по сравнению с прошлым годом, будет отличаться:

2020 Soccer Event Main Window.png

Как вы можете видеть, окно событий разделено на две половины. Для того, чтобы тренировать свою команду, нужно зайти в левую часть окна события, чтобы начать сражаться в Турнире - в правую.
Как видно, каждая из половинок окна события содержит по три ключевых элемента.

  • В левом верхнем углу в окне "Тренировка" находится кнопка Команда. Она показывает всех игроков, которые у вас есть на данный момент, и их текущий уровень.
  • Кнопка Тренировка перенесёт вас в Training Window. Под ней вы увидите количество доступных Soccer icon energy.png энергетических напитков.
  • В самом низу окна расположена кнопка Приз дня.

В правой части окна события:

  • Вверху вы увидите ТОП-3 лучших игроков Турнира и свою позицию в нем.
  • Кнопка Турнир предназначена для входа в Tournament Arena. Под ней вы увидите количество доступных Soccer tickets icon.png билетов.
  • Внизу окна расположена кнопка Приз дня.

Окно треннировок

На тренировочной арене вы решаете, как передать мяч от одного игрока другому, чтобы в итоге забить гол команде соперника. Каждый проход будет предлагать вам различный выбор наград, включая шанс получить Daily Special или карты игрока. и продвинется на один шаг ближе к заветной цели награды. Нажмите на знак вопроса над каждым игроком, чтобы увидеть, что вы можете выиграть.

Требуется больше энергии, чтобы передать мяч игрокам дальше по полю. Это ваш выбор, как быстро вы хотите достичь цели! Передача мяча - тяжелая работа! Вашим игрокам нужно будет пополнять свою энергию, в результате чего за каждый проход вы будете тратить часть своих энергетических напитков. Выполняйте квесты, чтобы получить больше. Вы также можете время от времени находить небольшое количество энергетических напитков в регулярных инцидентах в вашем городе.

In the training arena, you will decide how to pass the ball from one player to another, to eventually reach the goal of the opposing team. Every pass will offer you a different selection of rewards including a chance to get the Daily Special or player cards. and will advance one step closer to the coveted goal reward. Click on the question mark above every player to see what you can win.

It takes more energy to pass the ball to players further down the field. It's your choice how quickly you want to advance to the Goal! Passing the ball is hard work! Your players will need to replenish their energy, resulting in each pass you will spend some of your Energy Drinks. Complete quests in order to get more. You can also find a small amount of Energy Drinks, from time to time, in regular incidents in your city.


Here you can also access your Team on the left corner, in the middle of the window you'll find the Daily Special and on the right corner there is the number of the available energy drinks. You can buy some more with Diamonds by pressing the Plusbutton.png button. On the right side of the Training Window you can see the current Goal Reward and following two.

Player Cards

Player Cards will either unlock a new player or make one of your current players stronger. By clicking on Team you can view the players you have collected. Adding a new player to your team means you will also be able to pass the ball to this player in the training arena. You can click on a player card to see which rewards you can get by passing the ball to this player. The higher level your player is, the higher your chance is to get double the rewards. You can see the double reward chance on the player cards of each player.


Buy more Player Cards by pressing thePlusbutton.png button next to Soccer avatar icon.pngcards icon. You can buy 10, 50 or 200 random Cards with Diamonds

Tournament Arena

In the tournament arena, you can challenge the teams of other players to climb the global rankings. You start off by choosing the difficulty of the match you play, either easy, medium, or hard. After choosing the difficulty, your goal is to pick the best team to defeat your opponent. The percentage on your screen shows you your chance of winning the match. Choose the best player combination and levels to improve your chance to win. Make sure to keep in mind the strengths and weaknesses of the soccer players. Attacking players are effective against midfielders, midfielders are effective against defenders, and defenders are effective against attackers. Once you finish selecting your team you click on the button in the middle of the screen to see the results of the match.

Tournament Window.png

Chose your opponent

Tournament Select Opponent.png

Press Play Match to chose your opponent. Every time you play a tournament match you will use up one tournament ticket which will replenish over time. You can earn more tournament tickets by completing quests, or by finding them in regular incidents in your city. At the top of the window you can see the number of the players you have in your Team and your current ranking. There will be three random opponents from the world to chose from. Next to each one there is a different chest, Soccer match chest easy.png Easy Soccer match chest medium.png Medium Soccer match chest hard.png Hard, which means that each one has different prizes for you. The hardest the Chest, the better the rewards!
The Points you get are based the Strength of opponent you face.

Tournament Pre-Match Window

Once you've chosen your Opponent you will be directed to the Pre-Match Window, where you can see the opponent's team and you will also be able to select the your players to play against them, by pressing the Soccer exchange icon.png Change Team Setup icon next to your team.

Each Player has once of three positions:Soccer avatar defender icon.png Defender, Soccer avatar attacker icon.png Attacker and Soccer avatar midfielder icon.png Midfielder
Each position provides a bonus over another. Use this in combination with your team power to gain the edge over your opponent!
Each Player in your team has a Power Level. The collective Power of all five players in your team makes up your Team Power.


Every time you win a tournament match you earn Ranking Points which will determine your global ranking and will move you up the League Table. With higher ranking comes better rewards! At the end of the event, you will receive additional special rewards based on your league. You can view which league you are in by clicking on the league trophy in the tournament arena. In addition, the top 10 highest ranked players on the global ranking will get extra rewards based on their rank, including a unique avatar.

Be aware, other players may want to also get into the higher ranks, but only a certain amount of players can stay there. Make sure that you always gain enough Ranking Points in order to not fall in ranks.

Soccer Rankings.png



For the first time ever, we will have two upgradable main reward buildings, the Сфендон and the Карцерес, making up a full Hippodrome!

Furthermore, you can add an unlimited amount of Hippodrome Tracks which will add additional bonuses to both the Hippodrome Sphendone and the Hippodrome Carceres. There are three types of Hippodrome Tracks: The Leukoi Track which adds additional forge points, the Rousioi Track which adds additional defense for your attacking army and the Venetoi Track which adds additional goods.

Hippodrome Set.png
Grand Prize: The Hippodrome is an upgradable residential building existing of 2 key parts, with 3 extra optional parts.

You will need Reward icon upgrade kit carceres.png Carceres Upgrade Kit to Upgrade your Carceres and Reward icon upgrade kit sphendone.png Sphendone Upgrade Kit to upgrade the Sphendone. You can find them as Goal Rewards, but never as Daily Specials.

Other Rewards

We also remodeled the Hall of Fame. But that’s not the only change. Both the Hall of Fame, and the Winners Plaza have gotten a second level! You can upgrade your level one buildings with their respective upgrade kits.

A SS MultiAge SportBonus17.png A SS MultiAge SportBonus17b.png
Winners' Plaza - Lv. 1 Winners' Plaza - Lv. 2
Z SS MultiAge CupBonus1.png Z SS MultiAge CupBonus1b.png
Hall of Fame - Lv. 1 Hall of Fame - Lv. 2


Lastly, you'll get to show off your progress to your friends and neighbors, by winning one of three Soccer themed portraits. Two can be won by completing the questline, and the last one can be earned as unique prizes for the Gold League.

Soccer Avatars.png