Затраты на разблокирование уровней сложности в Экспедициях Гильдий
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The costs of unlocking Difficulties depend on the age and number of your guild members when the expedition beings. Each player in your guild will generate a cost based on their age. Your guild will need to pay the cumulative cost for all guild members in order to unlock the difficulty.
Player Era | Difficulty II Costs | Difficulty III Costs |
Iron Age | 2 of each Iron Age Goods | 4 of each Iron Age Goods |
Early Middle Ages | 2 of each Iron Age Goods | 4 of each Iron Age Goods |
High Middle Ages | 3 of each Early Middle Ages Goods | 6 of each Early Middle Ages Goods |
Late Middle Ages | 4 of each High Middle Ages Goods | 8 of each High Middle Ages Goods |
Colonial Age | 4 of each Late Middle Ages Goods | 8 of each Late Middle Ages Goods |
Industrial Age | 5 of each Colonial Age Goods | 10 of each Colonial Age Goods |
Progressive Era | 5 of each Industrial Age Goods | 10 of each Industrial Age Goods |
Modern Era | 5 of each Progressive Era Goods | 10 of each Progressive Era Goods |
Postmodern Era | 5 of each Modern Era Goods | 10 of each Modern Era Goods |
Contemporary Era | 5 of each Postmodern Era Goods | 10 of each Postmodern Era Goods |
Tomorrow Era | 6 of each Contemporary Era Goods | 12 of each Contemporary Era Goods |
The Future | 6 of each Tomorrow Era Goods | 12 of each Tomorrow Era Goods |
Arctic Future | 6 of each The Future Goods | 12 of each The Future Goods |