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Версия от 17:57, 8 июля 2016; Irene (обсуждение | вклад) (Created page with "{| | style="text-align: center;" colspan="2" |File:Winter Gate.png <br> - Happiness is doubled while polished<br> - Renovation Kit needed to upgrade building |- | style=...")
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Winter Gate.png

- Happiness is doubled while polished
- Renovation Kit needed to upgrade building

Type: Cultural Building
Size: Icon size.png 2x1
Obtainable From: Winter Event 2013, Winter Event 2014, Winter Event 2015

Age Icon happiness.png Ranking Points.png
Bronze Age 80 10
Iron Age 110 16
Early Middle Age 150 40
High Middle Age 160 80
Late Middle Age 180 120
Colonial Age 210 200
Industrial Age 240 400
Progressive Era 260 600
Modern Era 280 1,000
Postmodern Era 300 1,600
Contemporary Era 340 2,400
Tomorrow 420 4,000
The Future 500 6,400
Arctic Future 580 9,600