Кубок FoE по футболу 2022

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Футбольный Кубок вернулся опять в 2022 году. Тренер Миллер снова присоединится к вам в квесте ради победы на поле!​

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Once again in the event, you can win two Daily Specials, one from the Training Field and one from the Tournament.
You need to complete Quests to get Energy Drinks to Train your Players, collect Player Cards to give you more Players to improve your Team, and gain tickets to enter the Tournament. It might sound complicated at first, but it's so easy! Let's see how it works.

Как участвовать в Футбольном Кубке?

Футбольный Кубок снова вернулся! Выполните задания события, чтобы выиграть энергетические напитки и бонусные награды в виде турнирных билетов и карточек игроков! Вы также можете получить несколько бесплатных энергетических напитков за ваш ежедневный вход в игру и в происшествиях вокруг вашего города!

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Как видите, вы можете либо тренировать свою команду (в левой стороне окна события), либо отправиться прямо на Турнирную Арену (в правой стороне окна события). Вы можете заметить, что окно события разделено на две половины и содержит шесть ключевых элементов, слева направо:

  • В верхнем левом углу находится ваша Команда. Она показывает всех игроков, которые у вас есть, и их текущий уровень.
  • Нажав на кнопку Тренировка, вы перейдёте в Окно тренировок,в внизу которого будет количество доступных Soccer icon energy.png энергетических напитков.
  • Прямо под энергетическими напитками вы найдёте тренировочный Приз Дня.

Двигаясь к правой половине окна события:

  • Вверху вы увидите ТОП-3 игроков мирового Турнира и свою позицию в нём.
  • Нажав на кнопку Турнир вы попадете на Турнирную Арену, а внизу этой кнопки будет видно количество Soccer tickets icon.png билетов, которое у вас сейчас есть.
  • Наконец, под вашими билетами вы найдёте турнирный Приз Дня.

Окно тренировок

На тренировке вам предстоит решать, как передавать мяч от одного игрока к другому, чтобы в перспективе забить гол команде соперника. Каждый пас предложит вам разный набор наград, включая шанс получить Приз Дня или карточки игроков, и продвинет вас на шаг ближе к заветному голу. Нажмите на иконку со знаком вопроса над каждым игроком, чтобы увидеть возможную награду.

Вам потребуется больше энергии, чтобы передать мяч игрокам дальше по полю. Лишь вам выбирать, как быстро вы хотите продвинуться, чтобы забить гол! Передача мяча это нелёгкая работа! Вашим игрокам понадобится восстановить свою энергию, так что на каждый пас вы будете тратить некоторое количество энергетических напитков. Выполняйте задания, чтобы получить их больше.

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Здесь вы также можете получить доступ к своей команде в левом углу, посередине окна вы увидите Приз Дня, а в правом углу будет количество доступных энергетических напитков. Вы также можете купить их больше за бриллианты, нажав на кнопку Plusbutton.png. С правой стороны окна тренировок вы можете увидеть текущую и следующие две награды за гол.

Приз дня меняется каждый день, и у каждого игрока, которого вы выбираете, есть свой шанс заполучить его! Вы также можете воспользоваться функцией Смены приза дня. Ежедневно вы можете менять Приз дня на другую случайно выбранную награду из запаса возможных Призов дня.

Номера, расположенные в верхнем левом углу карточки игрока указывает на его уровень.

Player Cards

As you progress through the event, you will gather Player Cards. Player Cards will either unlock a new player or make one of your current players stronger. By clicking on Team you can view the players you have collected so far. Adding a new player to your team means you will also be able to pass the ball to this player in the training arena. You can click on a player card to see which rewards you can get by passing the ball to this player. The higher level your player is, the higher your chance is to get double the rewards. You can see the double reward chance on the player cards of each player.

Numbers on the right top of the player card indicate the level of that player and the numbers on the below of the player card indicate how many cards you need to level that player.

You can also get Player Cards by passing the ball to players. Specifically, you can get certain position cards from passing the player of that position.

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Buy more Player Cards by pressing thePlusbutton.png button next to Soccer avatar icon.pngcards icon. You can buy 10, 50 or 200 random Cards or specific position Cards (attacker, Middle Field, Defender) with Diamonds

Турнирная арена

In Tournament Arena you can have a face-off against other players to climb the ranking table. In the Tournament Arena window, at the top, you can see the Tournament's Daily Special which, once per day, can be swapped for a new random reward from the pool of daily specials. On the top right corner, you can check the number of tickets you currently have. You can also view the Global Ranking and the rewards for each rank as well as your own rank (right side) and the League you are in (left side).

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Chose your opponent

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Press Play Match to chose your opponent. Every time you play a tournament match you will use up one tournament ticket which will replenish over time. You can earn more tournament tickets by completing quests, or by finding them in regular incidents in your city.

At the top of the window you can see the number of the players you have in your Team and your current ranking. There will be three random opponents from the world to chose from. Next to each one there is a different chest,
Soccer match chest easy.png Easy Soccer2022-mediumopponentchest.png Medium Soccer match chest hard.png Hard,
which means that each one has different prizes for you. The hardest the Chest, the better the rewards!
The Points you get are based the Strength of the opponent you face. If you end a match with a draw and you can still win some Ranking Points and a smaller reward chest: Soccer match chest medium.png

This year you also have the chance to change your opponents without waiting for the refresh timer to be reset. Please keep in mind that you can refresh your opponents 2 times per 24 hours.

Tournament Matches

Upon hitting "Play Match" you can still choose the difficulty of the match you will play, between easy, medium, and hard. Your team will then face your opponent and you will need to decide which players to choose; select the 'change team setup' icon Soccer exchange icon.png in the bottom right of the match window to change your players. Remember: each player has his favorite position to play in, represented by the colored symbol on his card. Each player will 'duel' their opponent, you might choose the position wrong here so pay attention to the hints! Choosing the wrong player for each position will result in a negative outcome, so take care! Of course, the more difficult your opponent, the greater the rewards and ranking points!

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Once you finish selecting your team, click on the "Start Match" button in the middle of the screen to use a tournament ticket (Soccer tickets icon.png) and complete the match. These tickets will replenish over time, but you can earn more of them by completing quests, finding them in regular incidents in your city, or purchasing them with diamonds.

Winning a match will earn you Ranking Points and a reward chest. The reward chest you win depends on the difficulty you choose. Each reward chest has a chance to win the Tournament Daily Special, which is different from the Training Daily Special, meaning that on each day there are two different daily special prizes you can aim for!

Do not despair if you can't make the victory quite yet! Losing is not the only option: you can also end a match with a draw and win some Ranking Points and a smaller reward chest.


Every tournament match victory earns you Ranking Points, which will determine your global ranking and will move you up the League Table. With higher ranking comes better rewards! At the end of the event, you will receive additional special rewards based on your league. You can view which league you are in by clicking on the league trophy in the tournament arena.

This year, we provide rewards to the whole list of top 50 highest ranked players globally! All players from this list will receive something extra, and the first 10 players will get unique avatars. Naturally, the first 3 players in the global rankings will get the most prominent rewards. However, compared to the last year's rankings, you get way more chances to score extra rewards for your efforts!

Be aware, that other players may want to also get into the higher ranks, but only a certain amount of players can stay there. Make sure that you always gain enough Ranking Points in order to not fall in ranks.

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Windmill Farm

And now for the best part of every event; the rewards! The new main reward is the 'Windmill Farm', a chain building made up of the Gentiana Windmill and 4 Windmill Farmlands!

Gentiana Wildmill is an upgradable building with 8 levels.

You will need
Gentiana Windmill Upgrade Kit to upgrade your Gentiana Windmill and you can find them as Goal Rewards, but never as Daily Specials.

Тропинка среди цветов

Тропинка среди камней

Тропинка среди олив

Тропинка среди пшеницы

For bonus details please check Windmill Farm


This year you can also grab upgrades to 4 exclusive Soccer Cup achievements:

Icon Name Condition
Achievement icons soccer.png Goooooal! Finish the Soccer Cup questline
Achievement icons tiki taka.png Тики-така Score a goal by only passing the shortest distance
Achievement icons one team one dream.png Одна команда — одна мечта Win X tournament matches in the Soccer Cup event (a multi level achievement)!
Achievement icons all stars.png Только звезды!! Upgrade all players of the Soccer Cup event to X level (a multi level achievement)!

Exclusive Portraits

For this year's event, we have 7 new event-exclusive portraits to show off your progress to your friends and neighbors! Two of these avatars can be won by completing the questline, while the last one can be earned by finishing the event in the Gold League!

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