Мэрилин Монро

Материал из Forge of Empires - Wiki RU
Версия от 09:24, 25 июля 2017; Olga (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «left <span style="color:#ffce6c;"> ''Marilyn Monroe was an American actress and model, one of Hollywood's most marketable perform…»)
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Marilyn Monroe was an American actress and model, one of Hollywood's most marketable performers.​​​
In this historical questline you could learn the story of Marilyn Monroe.She is best remembered for starring in over twenty movies in 50's and early 60's.

Monroe is widely considered one of the greatest popular culture icons of the twentieth century.​​​

This questline was available in July 2017 and rewarded users with a unique portrait of Marilyn Monroe and a new building in the Baroque Garden style: a Rosarium - a multi production building. It can produce coins, supplies, goods, medals and Forge Points.

P SS MultiAge MonroeBonus17.png