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A SS MultiAge FallBonus18.png

- Happiness is doubled while polished
- Renovation Kit needed to upgrade to current Era
- One Up Kit needed to upgrade by one Era

Type: Culture Building
Size: Icon size.png 4x3 (street connection needed)
Introduced with: Fall Event 2018

Age Icon happiness.png
Icon defense.png
Ranking Points.png
Bronze Age 420 6% 60
Iron Age 720 6% 96
Early Middle Ages 820 7% 240
High Middle Ages 920 7% 480
Late Middle Ages 1,030 8% 720
Colonial Age 1,210 8% 1,200
Industrial Age 1,360 8% 2,400
Progressive Era 1,490 9% 3,600
Modern Era 1,650 9% 6,000
Postmodern Era 1,720 9% 9,600
Contemporary Era 1,990 10% 14,400
Tomorrow 2,420 10% 24,000
The Future 2,900 10% 38,400
Arctic Future 3,380 11% 57,600
Oceanic Future 3,900 11% 72,000
Virtual Future 4,660 11% 96,000

Осенний пруд Общественные постройки 4x3 A_SS_MultiAge_FallBonus18.png